This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005


 Let us all do more for her going forward!
A couple of years ago my Mom (Mama) became really ill.  Those who know us know the story so I will not delve too deep in re-telling all accounts of what occurred as we worked diligently and arduously into trying to seek proper medical assistance for her. Seeking it so her ailment could finally be diagnosed and a treatment could begin for her.  Long story short, we found the right doctor at the right time and Mama is doing so well now.  TTL!  Of course we monitor her and her illness for obvious reasons, mainly to prevent flare-ups and such and continue to take her to her follow up doctor's visits with her RA Specialist and her general MD.  Both of those doctors and their scheduled visits will be something we will always have to plan on and schedule for since Mom's illness is being treated but not cured, she will have Dermatomyositis always - it is permanent but manageable.  Stress as well as other things could spark up a flare-up or especially not taking her meds as prescribed.  She does really well in managing her own health.  Mama is truly a savvy and intelligent person.  But as her family, we need to do better to help her out.
She is a good person - she ALWAYS listens.  She gives good advice as needed (sometimes when  She does not take sides though and as her children, it drives us wild, but we should not expect her to pick sides over any of us because she is our Mom; not a judge, not a jury, but our Mom.  It is unfair for any of us to demand that she take our side.  It is especially unfair for us to place too many issues on her plate when at her age of 76, she has indeed "done her time on Maple Drive", and is at the age when she should be relaxing and enjoying her life, her children, her grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great, great-grandchild.  Mama has earned her right to just live her life to be content without unneeded strife or drama.  To be able to count on her family as much as we have counted on her in all those years past; we know what she needs and when she needs certain things, we now need to stand up and do those things for her.
When we were ill or in any kind of need in the past (or even now), does anyone remember Mom asking us what we needed? (Rhetorical)  No, she simply knew our needs and rose to the occasion and did her best to help us out.  Why do we need her to ask anything of us now? (Rhetorical) We don't need to wait; we just need to do those things - we all know what her needs are.
One day we will not have Mama around for us to do things with her - she is so much fun to be around, to have around.  One day she will not be around for us to do things for her so we need to do those things for her now.  My wish going forward is for my family to get closer than ever before and to work things out as adults when things go awry and to truly be at each other’s side or to stand behind one another.  But mostly I want us to be at Mom's beckoning call.
As the baby of the family my words may not weigh so much with my older siblings because maybe they think I have not lived enough or suffered enough.  Let me assure you my trials and tribulations have been many as have my ventures into the world; the thing is that I have never given up even when life knocked me down.  I saw two of my heroes (Mama and Papi) get kicked down many times and each time they got up and 'got back on the old proverbial horse".  That is what I learned growing up in our household with two super, loving and dependable ALWAYS get back up.  Sometimes like is the current situation for me, it takes a little longer to get up.  Not because of lack of trying or wanting better, but simply because life sometimes just simply is what it is, and we merely need patience to let life run its course.
My rants may also fall on deaf ears with our younger generation who often think they know it all.  A mistake we have all made in our youth.  But as I sit here writing this with nothing but love in my heart and faith in family, love and Him, I want only the best for my family - my loved ones.  As thankful as I am for my family and all we still have despite past set-backs, losses, struggles, suffering and such, we still have so much.  Lost jobs, lost loves, lost material possessions, we still have one another.
Life is hard, but we do have more control over much of it.  When we do things for others, we will feel so much better.  As the younger sibling and the one who does not practice her religion as the rest of the family mainly because I have a different way of honoring G-d, my faith and glory, let me say that previous advice ever given to me by the rest of my church-going family (mainly from Mama) has always stayed in my mind and in my heart.  I remember it all.  It has carried me to where I am right now.  For certain it has added to me wanting to be a better person.  Overall it has embedded in me a firm knowledge that when you are down to your last dime, your last can of food, your last article of clothing, leave your worries behind and throw caution to the wind and help someone else even if it leaves you with nothing for in the end, you will truly find yourself with so much more.  You will never be as wealthy as you are the minute you hand over your last something to someone else who needs it more.  He truly does not give us more than we can handle.  He does truly recognize us our selflessness, and He will bless us for it a thousand times.
Faith is just a word, one can speak about it all the time, but until we show it and do for others, it remains a word.  Living with faith and showing it in how we live and doing for others is simply awesome.  Fear often interferes with our faith.  Fear is truly a mind killer, and it lessens one soul.  I am by no means a holy-roller, nor do I wear my faith on my sleeve nor do I go around talking the talk.  I simply do the commonsensical things in life (no religion needed) that we learned as children, to treat others as we would like to be treated.  I am thankful for having had good parents from whom I learned these things and for whom I continue to do these things...I will not allow bad times, bad people or fear keep me from doing for others before I do for myself when others are in more need than me.  I will be okay.  He has shown me that time and time again.  Good Karma has shown me that.