This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

2009: Milestones Revisited / 2010: Milestones added

1) June 13th, 2009: My niece, Erica, married Nick last June 13th, 2009. Erica is the daughter of my sis, Eva. Erica and Nick have been engaged for a few years. Nick proposed –on bended knee- to Erica during her surprise birthday party in July 2008. The wonderful event took place on June13th, 2009. That day was significant to Erica as it was her late brother’s birthday. Philip, by the way, passed away in May 1999. The wedding was beautiful, and my other sister, Josie, served as their Wedding Coordinator. Erica and Nick went on a week-long honeymoon to Disney World followed by a Disney Cruise to Nassau, the Bahamas. Erica is an Internal Auditor for Western Bank and Nick is an Electrician with Oncor.
2) June 14th, 2009: My nephew, Gilbert, married Christine Ryan. Gilbert is the son of my sis, Betty. Gilbert and Christine were good friends for a long time before they married. It is always great to have a friendship prior to a marriage. They reside in San Francisco, Ca. With their unity in marriage came an extended family for Gilbert with Christine’s daughter Brianna “Lockey” from a previous union. Gilbert loves “Lockey” all the same! Their Texas family cannot wait to meet Christine and Bri!
3) June 25th, 2009: Our family began its 5th generation with the birth of Ayden Anthony just 2 days after my own birthday. Both baby and mom, Dominique, did well during the exciting birth, and I am glad to report that both are still doing great! He is a very healthy, happy and handsome baby boy! The triple “H” threat!
4) September 2nd, 2009: Mom Dominguez turns 75! We had a surprise party for her at my home in Midland which is quite the feat if you know our Mom. For weeks leading up to the event, my sister’s and I had secret meetings to plan things. My sister, Josie, and I did a lot of shopping and prepping together, but we had a good time. On the day of the party, several family members showed up early to set up the backyard with all the party goods we bought and rented. We set up the entire yard and patio with a lot of lights! It was an oldies theme with décor and music to match. The colors were mocha brown and raja blue. Each table had color-matching candles, crystal centerpieces, placards and was adorned with either mocha brown or raja blue tablecloths and table-runners of contrasting colors. Everything looked great! Each sibling cooked up a dish, but my niece, Michelle, did a great job as she made the main item on the menu - Mom’s fav dish - enchiladas. They were delish! The weather was touch and go for a few hours but cooperated at the last minute so that we could stay outdoors. We laughed, we sand, we danced, and we even managed to get in a game of musical chairs and I believe that the adults had as much fun as the kids did. Actually, the kids got a kick out of us older kids acting like fools. Mom was happy.
5) December 27th, 2009: My Niece, Felicia, turned 18! She is my sister Eva’s daughter. She is doing well with her studies. She opted for a different type of schooling which has clearly benefitted her greatly. Her love of animals and her detailed attention to the care of them leads me to believe that she should follow a career path that pertains to the veterinary profession.
2010 Milestones to date and then some!!!  
(thanx to my sis Aurora for the reminder)
Some 2010 Milestones will be about the high school graduation of 2 of my nieces and 1 nephew: (respectively) Felicia Guzman, Dominique Martinez and Jacob Dominguez.  
2010 Milestones will also include a tidbit about the one year wedding anniversary of my niece Erica and nephew-in-law Nick Puentes (06-13-09).  Also will include the one year wedding anniversary of my nephew Gilbert and niece-in-law Christine Gamboa (06-14-09).  
2010 will also denote a story about my late nephew Philip Guzman Jr.  He passed away May 3rd, 2000 so it will be 10 years since his death.  Included will be a birthday celebration in Philip's honor as he would have been 30 years old June 13th, 2010.