This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Moreno Family Reunion 2010: Buffalo Springs Lake, Lubbock, Texas 08-28-10: Video by Dora (via Picasa)

From Recently Updated
(click above to see the video I made - turn off music to this blog - scroll down first...BTW, the video shows at half the screen size)

Thanks so much to Ramon Moreno for the data and pix (of Romolo Sr and Justa Moreno and their 12 children) which he has provided me.
***Ramon, you have been tremendously helpful in this venture!***
***Sara, thanks as well for taking the pix and footage during this last reunion!***
(and previous reunions, too, Sara!)

Enjoy the pix and the vid footage.
It was a nice reunion. I wish everyone had been there.
Mom had a great time...she even managed to get in a dance or two.
Seeing her laugh and have a good time like that made the effort worth it.
...Spending time with Mom is always lots of fun and each time I learn something new about her and it makes me feel so privileged.
Well, that's all I have to say for now
- except -
We hope to see you all in Florida...
the location for the next Moreno Reunion
to be hosted by tia Sara and family.



BIRTHDAY WISHES: Happy Birthday, Christine G.!

Have an awesome day today from your family in Texas.
Thanks for making my nephew Gilbert so happy.
Glad you are one of us and hope to meet you in person soon.
Hope your Hawaiian vacation was swell.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Day Out with the Girls: Mama, Gabby, Gracie, Sara and Dora!

Rudy and Veronica were nice enough to allow Gabby and Gracie to go with us. They (Gabs and Gracie) thankfully are very comfortable with us and vice versa and Angela knows them. She knows Rudy since Rudy was younger than Gabby - maybe even Gracie's age when Angela first met him. When we were in high school and Angela had her first car, we would often pick Rudy up from school (Marcy Elementary - where Angela and I met and befriended one another in 5th grade) and then take him riding around with us until either Betty got home, or I had to go to my job at Kmart -then we would drop Rudy off at Blums. I hope Rudy does not mind this next tid-bit, but Angela used to have a nickname for him...Rollie Pollie. Just because she liked Rudy and the moniker for him... We always enjoyed having him with us just like we (Sara and I) now enjoy having his girls with us any chance we may get. Thanks again, Veronica and Rudy, for letting Gabs and Gracie-bonz hang out with us.
As I said in the title, Mama went with us and we were especially grateful for that. She had a lot of fun as well. We all broke out laughing quite often at things that were happening or being said the entire time. I rode in the back with the girls, in the middle of them on the way to and from McDonalds. After the eventful day there, I called Betty to say that we were getting ready to leave Mickey D's and she said we would meet us at Mom's, it took us a while to gather up all the things (the left-over food, which was still edible -plus- I did not finish all my grub while there, the cake Angela was nice enough to pack for us in a "to go" container, the drinks, Gab's bag, their overnight get the idea) and to gather up all the people (you know who - hee, hee!) so we could leave and head over to Mom's to meet "grandma honey". It was just too comical trying to do all of this. We had a difficult time with Gracie's car seat - we should know it like the back of our hands by now, but Gabs has to get out of her booster to show us how to latch it up and such. I'm already strapped in the middle of the back seat so I can't really move. Stuff is falling out of the car. Mama is trying to catch some of the stuff. I forget I am strapped into my seat belt already so when I and try to get up to help out...bam, I get an abrupt reminder that I cannot move unless I unbuckle. Sara and Gabs get Gracie situated and locked into her car seat, then Sara is trying to put the stuff she is carrying into the back of the SUV. Mama is riding in the front and I commented that with what we were going through just trying to leave and all the other funny things that happened while we were inside that I felt like we were in a bad "Abbott and Costello" movie or a bad "I Love Lucy" episode. Mama, who is not yet sitting in the seat yet, but is standing outside with the door opened...well ...she sighs and then places her elbows on the seat with her hands covering her face and starts laughing and laughing. Sara and I joined in uncontrollably then Gabs joined in (Gabby was old enough to get the inside joke) and even Gracie (yeah, like she knows about Abbot and Costello or Lucy - hey, maybe she does. LOL.). It was a riot. We laughed the entire ride back to Mama's home. We would not trade a day like yesterday for the world.
Betty came over to Mom's as she said; Gabby ran to her and gave her a big hug, but Gracie had fallen asleep, but when she woke up later, she would have the same greeting for Betty like Gabby had had for her earlier. It's sweet! Betty and the girls stayed at Mom's for a few hours. The girls (Gabby-girl and Gracie-bonz) entertained us the entire time. They put on a gymnastics's show and wrestling match for us. Occasionally Sara and I took turns indulging the girls with one and one play time. Sara is good at the advanced "patty cake" games which Gabby loves and is also great at playing. I totally suck in that area so I usually play the "thumb wrestling" with Gabby - she beats me all the time. For sure we all partook in "hide-n-seek" with both girls. We had Mama and Lucky laughing. Heck even Mama entertained us all at some point with her own dancing. She had the girls laughing as well. They also love "their Momo". I enjoyed that 'after the party time' as much as when we were at the party, plus, visiting with my sis, Betty whom I had been missing. I love seeing Betty interact with "her girls" - her grand-girls.
Betty, Gabs and Gracie left late because things were too much fun to end sooner, and so we helped Betty gather up all of their things so she would not experience the "Abbot and Costello" or "I Love Lucy" issues.
Sara and I were still willing to take Mama and Lucky to Wally-World, but they were tired and wanted us to be on the road earlier than usual. With Sara's new job, I guess Mama could tell Sara was sleepy, but we would have taken them anyway. I even volunteered to take just Mama and Lucky and let Sara stay behind, but Mama was not hearing it. Besides, she (Mama) looked sleepy, too. We laughed a little more after Betty and the girls left, but then we made our way back to Midland. It was a nice day.
Aside from the good time with the family, while we were still at McDonalds for the b-day party, I was able to visit with my pal, Angela, and her mom (Kay) and Angela's grandma whom remembered me, and we all recanted stories of old. Sara even saw her good friend Margie from Midland. Margie knows Veronica since Veronica was a little girl and could not get over how Rudy and Veronica's girls looked just like Veronica. Margie's older daughter, Amanda, just moved to Big Spring (Sand Springs actually) with her boyfriend and so they were all there eating at Mickey D's, too. It was all a chance meeting. We could not have planned a gathering
with those very people together like that had we know how life's chances are and such or what happens when one tries to make plans.
To add - I guess Mickey D's is the "hang out place" in town. LOL.
Enjoy the pix.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Remembering PAPI: Send me your stories.

Josie sent me a text after reading my dedication to PAPI yesterday. She mentioned something that got me thinking about PAPI and the relationships each of us had with him and the stories. So with that stated, I now welcome each of you or any of you - as you would like - to share any one story or memory you may have about PAPI that you do not mind being posted here.
Email it to me at:
or at:
And don't worry about spelling or grammar. I can double-check it if you want.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Loss of our Family Patriarch: 27 years later: Rest In Peace, Papi!

FYI: I muted the sounds on this site for today in honor of our PAPI, Rodolfo Dominguez Sr.

Our dear "PAPI" (the term of endearment we, his children, had for him) or "Popo" (the one his grandchildren had for him) passed away on a Thursday night on August 18th, 1983. I remember the day like it was yesterday. The following short story is just my account of the events of that day which led to the demise and final rest of my dear dad, our PAPI!
It was the first day of my junior year in high school. As was in August it was not too hot, but not so cool. I took the bus to school as I often did because there was little or no money for me to get a car and no one else could make that trip to get me to school. Nonetheless I endured the bus ride as it did help me to gather my thoughts. It was back then as it still is until this very day my "down time". The time I need in the mornings to gather my thoughts and to get my ducks in a row with priorities and such. I was very worried about Papi, not so much nervous about it being the first day of school. Not even because it would be my first stint at being an upperclassman, alas a junior. Finally in the upper echelon of the class system known to all in high of the "top cheeses". Ha, ha. I was a little worried because Papi had awoken to another bad day - his morning started off badly due to having endured a bad night. Mami looked worried and so very tired. My sis Betty was herself getting ready for her day. Not sure if she was getting ready for work or what, but she was up with the rest of us.
As the bus arrived at each of the three schools (mine would be the third and last stop), I pondered my own future without Papi. I wondered mostly how Mami was going to survive without him when the fateful day did arrive. She was a strong woman, but hardly a day went by that I can remember when Mami and Papi were not together. Either working, shopping or tending to house-hold chores and stuff, they were always together. Like Forrest said in the movie "Forrest Gump ", they went 'together like peas and carrots'. Not sure about that analogy, but I believe I understand it now.
As the bus rolled into the rear parking lot of my high school, I remembered I did not want to be there. Many a day had caught me in this mood, but today was different. My reasons for not wanting to be here were valid in that I wanted to be home with Mami and Papi. I did not make a big deal about it, I guess I was too afraid to risk breaking down and crying, so I nonchalantly got off the bus and walked up through the smelly, old athletic building where all the gyms were located. I continued on towards the famous cat-walk. I stopped at the cat-walk, again pondering a life without Papi and trying hard not to cry - my jaw aching so badly it felt like it would break (just like today as I write this). I wiped the small amount of tears starting to roll down my cheeks, sighed a long-deep sigh and took in more of the morning air and mustered up the courage to keep moving towards the cafeteria where I would await the first-period bell. I do not recall my schedule for that semester so I won't even try to say I was in this classroom or that classroom. All I remember are the teachers- the compassionate ones who would in later days after finding out about Papi's death- would try to console me in their own ways. Only a handful did this, the others I figure did not know what to say or do. Anyway, I don't remember lunch on this day except that I may have skipped it. It was later in the day, and this classroom I do remember, it was during 5th period advanced English, that an office worker came into the room. She handed my teacher a note, then my teacher looked at me and without having to say anything, I got up from my desk and followed the office person. At the office waiting for me was my sister Betty's boss, Lynette. Lynette actually owned the local 'mom and pop' jewelry store, Blum's, where my sister Betty was employed by them, the Brook's family. Lynette took my things (books and such) and said to follow her. Upon getting to her vehicle, she told me that my dad had gotten very sick and was rushed to the hospital where he had been admitted. She prepared me for the worse, adding that my dad would probably not make it through the night. I was a little perturbed at her for saying such a thing, but years later it was a blessing to me that she did prepare me for such a journey. A journey that would indeed change my world and the world of our entire Dominguez family as we knew it.
I was scared as we arrived at the hospital. The bad aura, the awful hospital smells and all the dated furnishings - everything so cold and bleak - no comfort to be found at all. The surroundings all too familiar as we had been there on so many occasions - too many occasions. I was able to talk to Papi that day. I am not sure he heard me, but deep down I am more certain that he did. In a way I was able to say goodbye to him even though I would not be there with him later that evening when he did pass away and went to his final resting place. Mami and my sister, Aurora (Gora), would be there with him and til this day I am ever so grateful that Papi had those two by his side when he crossed over to meet his Maker. Especially glad that Mami was there because they were everything to one another. Anyway the day appeared to have been long for most, but for me it had gone too quickly and it was time for us to leave as visiting hours had arrived, they ended at 9 pm. I believe I went home with Betty. After getting home I remember being on the phone helping to tutor my Vietnamese friend, Lan Mai, with something, probably English as that subject/that class is usually what gave her the most grief. I felt bad because I would later learn that my having been on the phone kept my sister, Aurora, from calling us back to the hospital as Papi had taken a turn for the worse some time after 10 pm. I had to accept my ill-fated call with Lan which kept us from going back to the hospital sooner and maybe with time to say our "good-byes" to being something that was just meant to be and go on with my life or else it would have driven me completely mad. It would take me years and years before I would find that comfort though.
As we returned to the hospital after Aurora did finally get through the line and summoned us back to the hospital, we walked out of the elevator, Mami was in the hallway staring at us and crying. Not having to say it, but with her gestures we knew it, Papi was gone. I ran to her and she confirmed that Papi had passed away. I ran away towards the hallway which leads one to the clinic. Another cat-walk like the one at my high school where I had made myself be strong so I could survive my first day of school. I would now have to muster the same courage to return to Papi's room to be there for Mami, for the family and finally to bid farewell to Papi. A man who was a lot older than Mami and most thought was my grandfather instead of my dad. That always made me mad. Papi and I never had the time to develop the kind of relationship he had with my older siblings. I being the youngest of five sisters and one brother, was a little torn at not having had the same amount of time as the others had had with Papi. They all had known him a lot longer. I was just beginning to know him. I eventually regained my composure and returned to Papi's room. I saw Mami drawing the sheets over his head, but Aurora pulled them back down. I was glad Aurora had done that. It made me feel better as I walked towards the bed and gently kissed him on the forehead, told him I loved him and hugged him the best I could. The end of an era indeed. Our Papi was gone. The cancer that had stricken him just months earlier had finally won out in the end. But PAPI would now be at rest, worry-free and pain-free, and on his final journey to 'his' new home.

Friday, August 13, 2010

BIRTHDAY WISHES: Happy Birthday, Locario "Lucky"!

(click on collage above for a few more pix via PICASA online album)

Feliz cumpleaños
* AUGUST 13th, 2010 *

Lucky was born during the same year -1923- Texas Tech was created...
(by legislative action).

Legislative action to create Texas Tech not Lucky. LOL.
I am sure Lucky's parents had a different inspiration for his creation.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rest in Peace: Pete Ortega: 03-04-52 to 08-06-10.

March 4, 1952 to August 6, 2010
Dallas Cowboy's True-Blue Fan!
(click on name for Big Spring Herald Obit)

Well, what can one say when someone's loved one suddenly passes away! Of course this is a rhetorical question as it just cannot be answered. We are all so different that we cannot possibly understand someone else's pain or anguish. All I can think is to dedicate this post to my ex brother-in-law, Pete, and the good memories I have of him. I am really disappointed in not being able to attend his funeral today. I really wish I could have but circumstances arose which prevented it so I won't offend anyone by trying to justify the reasons. To not add insult I simply say that my ex bro-in-law is on my mind today and I will bid him farewell in this post.
The best way I know to honor someone is to write about them and keep their legacy alive via the electronic highway. Somehow I believe that G-d provides our loved ones with electronic gadgets, Internet service and such upon "their arrival". They can see and receive data, but cannot send it. That's quirky, but hey, I am quirky and my love of writing and computers combined will make sure everyone has a lasting place on the electronic highway.
With that said,
I remember Pete's quirkiness as well; he was no different really than I am. He would go around reciting people's names and often combine one or two or more and come up with his own phrases and names for us and he would do it to a funny tune. The ones I remember most are as such:

"Chepa, Tila, Veva"..."Noon, Noon, Yoli, Yoli"..."Veva, Tila, Beaver"..."Chepa, Tila, Jabier."..."Tila, Billy, Taita"..."Dula, Dula, Dora"..."Tila, Role, Panson"..."Popo, Momo, Fua"..."Jay, Chell, Chell"...
It just depended on whom was in the room when he did this or whom was being mentioned. It was funny as heck to me, and I still find myself thinking about it, laughing, and also often reciting some of those phrases myself. Just as I remember Pete doing it. I believe I shall continue doing it.
I never knew much about Pete after he and my sis, Aurora, separated and such. I did keep up the casual correspondence
with him for a while, but that ended of course after I moved to San Antonio. Before that I would see him when he would be kind enough to give me rides to my first job at Kmart (thanx, Pete) or I would run into him around town. He and I would speak about different things, more often it pertained to his missing my sister and their daughter, Michelle. Things ever so different as they always are after a separation/divorce, but I always felt he did love his family. I won't elaborate on things I know not about so I won't be as brazen to say that his relationship as a dad to my lovely and dear niece, Michelle, was this or was that. It simply was what it was and it is only important and between them two. All I can add to that is that my heart does go out to my niece, Michelle. I lost my dad (papi) at a very young age and that I know how my niece feels for her loss of a father and the loss of more time with him.
Pete was a good perso
n. I can honestly say that I never remember him having a malicious bone in his body. Sure he would get mad at times like human beings do. Do or say something wrong about him, his family, friends or the Dallas Cowboys and he would naturally fend for himself. He always did what he could for his family - his way - popular or not - it was how Pete was. I never remember him speaking ill of others either. That is my memory and if it is wrong, humor me.
I hope he is finally at rest away from any ails which may have plagued him/his life. Going forward my biggest memory of Pete will be me as a little girl still unable to speak certain words having been born a cleft palate and still without a proper retainer to block the gap in my soft palate; I would not be able to say Pete's name properly and would call him..."Fete". He got a kick out of it but never made fun of me for it. That's how I will remember him. Then there was his love and passion for football and the one and only DALLAS COWBOYS. Not a better
or bigger fan aside from my sis (Aurora) back then when I was still a little girl. They made me fans of the 'BOYS as well. A passion that has not subsided but grown bigger. Sometimes I get mad at them, at the players, the owner and the decisions, but for the dynasty known as the Dallas Cowboys, I do not flee or evade. I can be critical of the 'BOYS, a fellow die-hard (pardon the term I say it with respect) can also be critical of them, but for those who oppose our 'BOYS...not recommended.
May Pete be able to keep watching his Dallas Cowboys.
I am sure he won't miss a game after all, they (Cow
boys) are G-d's Team.

(click on my "Dora's Sports Blog" 4 Dallas Cowboy's note and in remembrance: Pete)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Eva's Chauffeur Service: It's official, Felicia has her TX Driver License!

Yep! Felicia took her driving test today and passed.
She is an official licensed driver...Texas tested - Texas approved!
She'll be driving Eva around ala "Driving Miss Daisy"
except now it'll be "Driving Mrs. Guzman"!

p.s. your Tia Dora needs a ride...(lol)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rest in Peace: Mary Anedina Villafranco Moreno: 10-12-46 to 08-03-10

Mama's sister-in-law, Mary "Maria" Moreno, passed away yesterday, Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010. Maria was a special person ! We will miss her! Rest in peace!

Sincere condolences from the
Eva Moreno-Dominguez family
(Big Spring / Midland, Texas) to the
Ray and Maria Moreno family

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Family Time: The Garcias and the The Dominguez's (and Hernandez's)

Sara's family, the Garcia's (Uncle Rain, Jeannie, Angel, Ryan, and Grandma Ramona), came by en route home to Lubbock. They drove to Pecos to pick up Sara's grandma so she could spend some time with them over there. We decided to have a potluck dinner for them last night so they could stop over in Midland and spend the night with us and mainly to visit with them. Rain and Jeannie spent a weekend with us two weeks ago so it was nice seeing them again and especially seeing the others.
Sara and I even drove to Big Spring to pick up my Mom so she could come over to visit and to partake of the dinner festivities; we are taking her back this Sunday noon. She (Mama) was a bit disappointed in not being able to take vacation to New Braunfels - Schlitterbahn Waterpark (German = slippery road) with my other two sisters and their respective families so Josie and I tried to make things extra nice for her as well last night. She seemed to have had a good time as we all did. Mama and Sara's grandma caught up on some "friend time" as they hadn't seen one another in years. It's always good when our families can get together as they always mingle with each other and not break away into groups - none of that "their family over there" and "our family over here" stuff. Everyone talks one-on-one, it's actually pretty cool and awesome.
The food was delish, the company very entertaining. Sara made arroz, refried beans, and an enchilada casserole, and Josie made her famous "King Ranch Chicken". Man it was all good. Thanks Josie and Sara for making that awesome food. I made pico de gallo (the serranos must have been angry) it was spicy, hot! Thanks as well to
Jeannie and Rain who brought all the drinks and chips. A very good evening indeed. I just love, love, love being with family and entertaining- we should have a catering biz...ha, ha! We ate dessert as well, it was also kinda potluck (ha,ha) you had to be here to appreciate what I mean.
It was indeed a nice evening with family, aside from all the eating we had some good discussions and talked well into the evening. Lot's of banter, anecdotes, witty remarks and at times some serious moments which we all can handle and move on from to another topic. It's nice to be able to have conversations like that. It ended on a good note. We were all tired and went to bed at a decent time. Mama stayed with the Hernandez's so I took them home and spent a few minutes there viewing my sister's hallway and how she placed family pix along the wall; it looked nice. She had also made Mama's guest room so cozy. When I returned Sara, cousin Angel and I stayed up a little longer and had more laughs, but we eventually were hit by the "tired bug" too and bid our good nights.
We all woke up extremely early this morning. They (the Garcia's) just left and Sara and I are getting ready for Mama to come back to our home so we can take her with us to run some errands before we take her back to Big Spring (and to Lucky) later this day.
Thanks to everyone who made this weekend so special. Without planning it so far in advance the events just came together within a couple of days and everything worked out so well. I miss it when everyone leaves, but we still have time with Mama later today (yay).
We Love MAMA!
BTW, I (we) love spending time with Mama and just catering to her needs. No work to be had for her when she is with Josie and/or with me. We're at her beckoning call as well it should be. She's our "queen". One day we will miss our time with her so we take advantage of whatever time we can share with her now. It'll be peaceful for us that way in knowing we did what we could for her. She does so much for this family and sacrifices so much for each of her children, in-laws, grand-kids, great-grand-kids, etc. that it should come naturally and easily for us all to return the favor without having a building fall on us or for Mama to have to ask of us. Each time Mama stays with us (Josie and/or me) or we take her with us on trips, we learn more about her and it fills our heart with so much that words fail to describe. For those who haven't tried it - having her spend time at your home so you can cater to her or to have her vacation with you or just take day-long trips with you - you really should try it. Make some time just for Mama, make it about her and no one else. I mean that with all sincerity because our Mama (our Matriarch) is truly a very, very special and interesting lady. One day in the end, you'll be glad you did. Mama rocks! WE LOVE MAMA!
Clinton-Mezvinsky Wedding
Going back to last night's topics of conversation, we touched upon several things...the Chelsea Clinton wedding was on our minds and we commented on how the media needs to leave it alone and stop speculating on what was bought, how much was spent, etc. At least her wedding occurred post presidential assignment unlike "W's" daughter who married during her daddy's reign over the presidency which more than likely cost us (the tax payers) some of our hard-earned money. The Clinton-Mezvinsky wedding was paid for with their own money and not public money. Get over it, media mongrels, who cares what they spent - their prerogative not ours to interfere.