This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mom's Doctor's Visit:: A Girl's Day Out!

Tuesday: September 7th, 2010
Mom had a doctor's appointment here in Midland with her R.A. Specialist so Aurora drove her over from Big Spring and Betty was able to accompany them. Eva and Felicia were not able to join them, but we did miss them during our day-long journey. Anyone who is familiar with Mom's doctor knows that they will not be seen right away, but Tuesday was rather lengthy even for his office. I believe we all waited around for a good 2.5 hours. My sisters and I are known to joke around a lot and we cut up so much that I think we almost annoy our Mom. ALMOST!!! Anyway, Tuesday was no different.
Whether we were finding things to laugh at during the wait for Mom to see her doctor, during lunch or the shopping spree, we always found something to talk about and for sure for which to laugh. Betty had Josie and me having to contain our own loud laughter while at the doctor's waiting room. Someone had a really stupid ring-tone which sounded like either a bicycle horn or a horn one hears at a circus. All that was left was to hear the entire rendition of the circus song...Josie tried so hard not to laugh but for some reason, I just could not contain myself and I actually let out the first laugh...then Betty just couldn't hold it in and she busted out laughing so hard that all three of us had to try to hide our faces and cover our mouths to keep from getting too out of hand. Aurora asked "what the hell we were laughing at?" but none of us could tell her - not right then. We told her later when we went to eat at Rosa's, but she did not really find it that amusing. The three of us did and we started laughing again but not as much. It is the kind of romp you have to be a part of in order for you to understand it and for it to make you laugh as well. Poor Mom just kept shaking her head back and forth, but one could tell she was holding back her own laughter as well. That "ring-tone ala circus song incident" was just too funny not to laugh at, and I still chuckle now as I write this. I am singing it to myself..."da da da da da" get the point. The song is titled
"Entry of the Gladiators"...
Anyway, it was another fun day with Mom and my sisters. At the mall or at the grocery store, we had a fun time. Mom and Betty bought some things at the mall. Josie and I helped Mom pick out clothes for the cooler weather coming up. Our two house-holds (the Hernandez - Josie, Jabier & Alex and mine - Sara & me) bought her some nice khaki pants and jeans for a belated b-day gift. Josie waited for me til I had $ome mula Tue$day to buy Mom her gift (Thx). Everyone bought something or other while at the grocery store. We even ventured to a Mexican import store at the south-side of town. Like I said, Eva was severely missed, but maybe next time all five of us sisters can accompany Mom to her next doctor's appointment in November. Or for some other occasion as long as the five of us can be with Mom having fun and laughing. Even if we irritate Mom a little bit or embarrass her...she LOVES us!
"Bring in the clowns"...ha, ha, ha! that circus song now.

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