This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Saturday, June 23, 2012

On My Birthday: A Poem For Mama!

For Mama on my 46th birthday.
“Not Today”
Thoughts of fresh flowers remind me of you
Nature’s sweet nectar and memories ensue
The last time I saw you I knew things were final
Your Maker was coming for an outcome too viral
News of your passing would soon have to spread
Mon Dieu, it was awful…my Mama was dead
For reasons unknown and things too surreal
My life had changed – such a contemptible ordeal
I knew it would happen this much is true
But not in the manner in which you bid your adieu
For your passing you deserved quiet with a nice, warm bed
But the monster that is cancer and chaotic took you instead
Robbed of time and so many dear memories to come
I just stood there and watched – I was much too numb
How did this happen I wondered inside
I wanted to run and forever to hide
But that’s not how you raised me so I needed to stay
One day I will see you... just not today.
(Guzman and Puentes family - thanks for the flowers which helped inspire this poem)

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