This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ECAN: April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month!

Family, friends, loved ones, 
Since April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month, I have ordered kits for anyone who wishes to help spread the word and would like wristbands and brochures.  Let me know, I have ordered the minimum and will re-direct you to the link itself if you wish to order your own kits.  I have also started a networking group on FaceBook in Mama's name for those who are members or would like to join...but you must join FB first.  This is a special way for me to help keep Mama's memory alive and to inform others of what this kind of cancer is all about.  Early detection, warnings signs and so on, etc...  To me simply remembering Mama is not enough...though I wish to not dwell on the "shoud've, could've, would've" which surrounds her diagnosis and death, I do not wish her demise to ever have been in vain.  In keeping others informed I know we can keep her battle with this cancer monster as a way to help others avoid it, get detected early enough or to just help by sharing stories.  We all get through each day in our own way, and I am certain that like myself, all of you remember her daily.  No manner of coping being right or wrong...we each do what we need to do just to survive.  
Join the ECAN Network by clicking here: ECAN
If you wish to join our FaceBook Group (remember you must be a FB member), click here:

Eva M. Dominguez Esophageal Cancer Networking Group

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