This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dominguez Sisters: Clean-Up: Taking Care Of Business At Mount Olive!

My awesome, beautiful sisters (Aurora and Betty) "took the bull by the horns,"
and cleaned up the gravesites of our parents on Sunday, June 15, 2014.
They were there for a Father's Day "balloon launch" in memory/honor
of our dad/papi; much like we did for mama on Mother's Day.
 The amount of rain which Big Spring has received lately, made the gravesites
in dire need of maintenance.
We visited the cemetery the day before (Saturday, June 14) to take flowers and to hold a "balloon launch" in Philip's memory for his birthday; June 13th (some of us did a "balloon launch" for papi on that day, too).
That was when we all noticed how badly the gravesites needed cleaning.  We tried the best we could that day w/out the proper tools; using our bare hands ("picking weeds").
My sisters returned on Sunday with the proper lawn tools; Betty with rake and hoe in tow; Aurora with a weed-eater.  Aurora said that she "ate weed"...LOL...good one. 
While they were there, they also cleaned Philip's gravesite. 
Kudos to my sisters for doing, IMO, such a wonderful, selfless thing.
We were supposed to hold a "clean-up" event on Saturday, June 14, but the weather
on Friday night made it rather impossible for the event
(honoring Philip's birthday) to be held so we canceled/postponed
for an event later this month.
More definite details to follow soon, but the make-up date is tentatively scheduled
for Saturday, June 28th.

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