This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Yikes"--- It's IKE

Most folks we know seemed to have faired well in the greater (northern) Houston area, thank goodness. But the storm is still not over. The poor ppl in Galveston Island unfortunately did not fair as well; they are in our prayers...maybe there is something we can do being so far away via local churches or the red cross org. For sure just keeping them in prayer.
Friends, Cindy, Janna & Willa in Tomball were just laying low and relaxing and taking in the start of the weekend one day early. According to Cindy, Willa (daughter) and the animals were excited to have everyone home on a Friday. They were being rowdy and it was barely 8 AM when we spoke. It was funny. Janna was taking advantage of a (rare) couple more hours of sleep.
As for other family/friends in the area, we hope Jabier's nephew David & his family are okay as well. Mom's family (Araseli). We have other acquaintances (previous work colleagues) in the area, we also hope they did well. Now we all prep for the rains and storms which seem to follow hurricanes. Lot's of tornadoes already being reported as of Friday. Mainly in the Louisiana parishes. Texas Tech game tonight. The mighty SMU 'Stangs coming to Lubbock.

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