This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

CONGRATS!!! Sara passes her Oral Review.

Sara had her much anticipated but dreaded (at the same time) Oral Review in order to qualify her for her Master's Degree in History. She did swell and will be getting "hooded" on Saturday, May 9th, 2009 (9 AM). Hope to see many ppl join us on this special day. Thanks to those who remembered and wished her well today!!!
She decided against going the thesis option, but whether one writes a thesis or not, one still must go through an extensive review in front of a 3 to 4 member committee. The committee members are professors the student has had while in graduate school. They decide if you are ready to receive your Master's before venturing out in the world to find that certain career. The very reason you have worked 6 years or more enduring the ups and downs of college life. Sara still had to write a lengthy paper, last time I saw it, she was reducing the amount from the original 97 pages as she has to make copies of it for each one of the committee members. Whew, that's a lot of paper.
She was asked a lot of detailed questions from each person dating back to when she began grad school (2 years worth). They have your fate in their hands as they determine in a collaberative effort behind closed doors after your long, drawn out interview has taken place. It is there and then that they decide if you are ready to receive that degree. I wrote about this process because I thought it was very interesting. I never knew the details that went into all of this and about the interview. I knew a person had to write a thesis (you can opt out of that now and go non-thesis as Sara did), but never did I imagine the grueling interview you have to endure. Most ppl decide against grad school for reasons such as this. I will say one thing, it takes a lot and I do mean A LOT to get one's Master's degree. The way Sara managed it while still having to work her research job and all other things one does on a regular routine is just amazing to me, I am awe struck. Congratulations to her. I have been fortunate enough to learn a lot as well in a third-person kind of way. My mind is a sponge waiting to soak up any and all information. Like one of my professors always said..."to learn a little bit about a lot of things is always better than learning a lot about one thing". He said it made you better prepared to handle many situations and able to talk to anyone at any given time or place. How right he was.
Again, we hope to see many ppl (family&friends) at her graduation ceremony.
Congratulations again to Sara.

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