This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Friday, April 10, 2009

Family updates

March 26th, 2009: The Big Spring Herald sent a reporter (Amanda Moreno) to interview those of us who could meet her at Mom's that day to discuss our Adopt-a-Highway involvement in honor of Philip. Eva, Felicia, Mom, Sara and I were all there. Things went well and she held off in printing the story so more of the family could compose their own stories and so pics could be taken at the April 4th event.
April 4th, 2009: Our annual "Texas Trash Off" was held on this day across the state and our family group once again participated as we have done for several years now. Pictures were taken for the story in the Herald. We had 13 participants. Thanks to all. I think we gathered about 18 bags full of trash. Not a bad feat. The "usual suspects" showed up and we had some newcomers. One fell short due to an injury, but she does help out in other ways.
April 5th, 2009: Erica, Felicia, Alex and Rudy composed their own versions of what Philip meant to them and such and I forwarded it to Amanda. Amanda told me she was overtaken by all the stories and was in tears much of the time. I also shared Philip's blog with her. She has been very kind and generous to us. We thank her for her time and for getting copies of the Sweetwater Reporter in which she printed a shorter version of our story today.
April 8th, 2009: Alex has her choir UIL competition. Her girl's choir team received a 2 in sightreading and I believe they received a 1 for the actual singing. More on that if possible. I would have made a digital dubbing of the event or taken pics, but as luck would have it, both electronic devices had a mind of their own and were much too noisy for me to use. Everyone had to be very quiet during the competition and we had to sustain our applause at the end of each choir team's performance of 3 songs. I tried to set the devices to silent mode, but "not work" (ha, ha). I should have not let things up to luck as I did and should have been more proactive in setting them prior to the competition rather than being reactive and being too late to record the event. "My bad!"...
April 10th, 2009: Good Friday
April 12th, 2009: Easter Sunday. Hopefully everyone can join us at Mom's house for a day of good food, good company and much needed R & R.
April 18th: Alex has a birthday (more to post later)
April 25th: Dominique has a birthday (more to post later)

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