This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My brother, sis-in-law and nephew visit Mama

I could tell that Mom was in very good spirits this evening when I phoned her to chat with her as I usually do. She informed me that my brother, Rudy, visited her along with his wife, Yolanda, and their youngest son, Jacob. My brother came to her rescue and installed her ac unit in the living room. The very one that I was wracking my brain over in trying to figure out how I could do it or whom else I could ask to install it for us. The Lord does work in mysterious ways indeed. I am relieved over the fact; such a minor detail that should have been so much easier. It worked out for the best as my own brother had difficulties installing it. I would probably not have fared as well neither. After that, my brother and his family had a mini prayer session with Mama in which my nephew, Jacob, apparently led the prayer. Mama was so happy. My sis, Betty, and Billy showed up as well. I am not sure if they were there when they prayed or not. My sister Betty also had a prayer group over at Mama's house yesterday and that also seemed to have done a lot of good and made Mom happy as well. My brother and my nephew are supposed to return to Mom's tomorrow (Fri) to mow her lawn and to remove the weeds. I hope they do show up, but am grateful and happy that they did show up tonight whether they had done anything or not. Their presence is very valuable to Mama (as it always has been). The things they did do for her tonight was indeed icing on the cake. I miss my brother and his family (we all do). I just really hope we see them more often going forward. I hope they do realize that they are missed and needed and not for what they can do for Mom, but for their company and just to join in on our family events. It would make our gatherings that much better.

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