This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother and children sisters and their kids...

Aurora's kids were not there for their pics with Aurora. Jay is busy as we all know in Plainview on a work furlough. However, Aurora's grand-daughter, Mari (also her namesake), was the only one with her and that was enough to make her happy. Michelle and her 3 other girls spent the day elsewhere (???). Aurora had to leave after pics with Mom so I was not able to take a pic of her and Mari but did get one from earlier in the day, so here they are.

Betty with her proxy children as her two sons were not able to attend...Gilbert lives in San Francisco and is getting ready for his wedding on June 14th (yes, the day after Erica's wedding); he is marrying Christine Ryan whom I hear is his best friend. Rudy stayed in Midland to celebrate the day with his wifey, Veronica, and their 2 girls, Gabby & Gracie.

Josie and Alex...spitting image of one another, huh?

Erica, Eva and Felicia...they look like sisters, huh?

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