This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Friday, February 19, 2010


God love and bless our Mama!  She's really a trip sometimes and can at times be uncouth.  She is very vocal and loves to state her opinion(s) even if no one asks for them (LOL).  Aurora and Betty drove over from Big Spring on Thursday late noon to take Mama back with them, but not before leaving her family here in Midland without some funny stories to remember and to share with the rest of the family.  Josie told me the funniest story relating to the shopping spree Mama and her had made the day before at Wally-World in Midland.  I had not laughed so hard in such a long time.  Josie retold the story later when Aurora and Betty arrived at her home to pick Mama up, and their reaction and laughter just made me laugh all over again and just as hard as I had earlier when Josie first told me.  We all went shopping before they left and we made smart-alecky comments about the story the entire time.  Mama was getting aggravated at times, but then it would get to be too much that Mama would crack up in laughter right along with us.  Josie gave me her approval to blog about it so here it goes...

Mom bought some stuff along with some pants and as they were ready to pay out, they decided to go through the self-checkout stand.  Everyone who knows Mama knows that she gets in too much of a hurry when she pays so according to Josie, the auto-register was having trouble keeping up with our Mama so Josie started bagging Mama's purchases immediately after scanning them.  Josie took the pants that Mama bought and quickly rolled them onto the hanger after scanning them trying to keep up with our dear, but impatient mother.  They arrived home and Josie heard Mama making some remark about the pants Mama had just bought.  Josie asked her to repeat it and Mama said..."aye que vieja mensa, me arrugo los pantalones".  English translation..."that dumb woman wrinkled up my pants".  Josie got a kick out of that remark and kindly reminded Mama that she, Josie, had been the one bagging up the purchases and had been the one who rolled up the pants around the hanger trying to keep up with her.  Josie told her..."lo hice yo, Ama, no te acordarste?"..."i bagged your items, Mom, did you forget?".   Mama felt bad and quickly apologized to Josie.  She said..."aye, Mija, discúlpame .  Se me olvidó  que tu lo habias hecho"..."oh, dear daughter, please forgive me.  i forgot that you had done that".  Josie non-chalantly said..."creo que yo soy la vieja mensa pues"..."then i guess i am the stupid woman"...
Like I said, before they left back to Big Spring, we all went shopping and as we rode in the car and shopped in the stores, we all referred to Josie as "la vieja mensa" and such.  It was freaking funny - we all laughed so hard and so much.  I had ppl (strangers) in another shop laughing earlier in the day when Josie first told me the story.  I dared Josie to dare me to go ask Mama about "la vieja mensa" so I started yelling for Mama until she answered me, and I told her that I was being followed by "la vieja mensa"!!!  She got a kick out of it as did the shoppers who spoke Spanish.  If the Wal-Mart story does not make you laugh by just reading it, then you must have Josie tell it to you and to do so in person.  I guarantee you that she will have you busting a gut.  She is gifted that way and is no mensa...maybe a member of Mensa (the high I.Q. group) but clearly not a "vieja mensa".

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