This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

CONFIRMATION: SUPREME COURT? NO...Dora's Catholic Confirmation!

My confirmation went well.  If any of my loved ones wondered why I did not invite them, please do not think it was because I did not want any of you here.  Just the opposite.  I wanted everyone here so bad that I was afraid of getting disappointed because no one would be able to attend.  Plus, the drive from Big Spring to Midland is too far for just a 15 minute ceremony, and everyone has to work and such.  If I hurt anyone's feelings, please accept my humble apologies.  In the end with hindsight being 20/20, it is just better to ask people to do something for you than not to ask and wonder "what if".  I hate being told "no" or just not receiving an answer so that was part of the reason why I did not invite anyone.  It gets to be hurtful after being turned down so much, or just being ignored completely but...
Special "thanks" to my sister, Josie, for agreeing to be my sponsor tonight.  It was a beautiful occasion.  Plus, Father Gilberto Rodriguez Piñon, was gracious and kind enough to make Jabier my sponsor as well.  So I officially have a Godmother and a Godfather for confirmation.  Another "special thanks" to Pastoral Associate Dennis Robson for providing guidance and answers during our confirmation classes; things were kinda odd but all worked out in the end. T2G!  Alex, Josie and I had a nice dinner after the ceremony.  WTG, Rosa's Cafe "Taco Tuesday!"  To Alex: "TAG", you're next Mija (May 2010).
Enjoy the pics and Alex also taped the event so I will share it will everyone next time we have a family get together.  Love to all my family for their well wishes and for their "congrats" to me.

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