This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Confirmation: What it means to me.

It means a lot, more than words can say, but I am trying to keep things in check.  As for the event itself, I chose to make it a small occasion.  As I get confirmed tonight at St. Stephan's Catholic Church (Midland), I will reflect on the many religious and spiritual experiences which lead me to this point in my life.  Like the deacon, whose classes I took, said...I will not feel differently nor will I feel the holy spirit entering me (maybe, maybe not), but deep down inside I will feel good for personal reasons only I can explain and understand.  I do not expect anyone else to understand why I am doing this nor why I do anything in my life.  I get confirmed tonight mainly because I will be ready, with sacraments almost completed, to be Godmother to Alex in May for her own confirmation.  I would not have it any other way.  I would have moved mountains, per se, to complete that task (to be Alex's Godmother) as well.  I do not believe that getting confirmed will make me act differently.  I believe in God, not in the dogma, but in Him because I feel something special inside of me which does comfort me greatly but does not heed me to wear my religion or faith on my sleeve.  I strongly believe that when one has such great faith, that he/she does not have to be vocal about it or to try to show it to anyone else.  Afterall, if you are really that blessed with the gift of faith, He knows where you stand and He will never falter nor leave you to bear life and its ups and downs alone.  N'est pas?  OUI, I say!

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