This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just Because: A Day with Mama

TUESDAY, MARCH 16th, 2010:  Josie, Alex, Sara and I decided to spend a day with Mama.  Mama spent a couple of days with Josie, Jabier and Alex in Midland awaiting her Dr's appt Monday morning.  Then after a package was delivered to me Monday late afternoon, we all drove Mama back home on Monday evening and spent the night.  Here in this collage, we are just spending some valuable family time on Tuesday.  Betty came over this day with her grand-daughters, Gabby-Gabz and Gracie-Bonz.  Aurora, Eva, Felicia and Erica came over later in the day, but the camera was not charged enough for more pics.  Josie and Betty did some cleaning after fixing Mama's DVD player; they were more ambitious than the rest of us (lol).  It was nice of them to do that.  Next time the cleaning is on me.  I actually am hoping to paint Mama's kitchen pretty soon.  The weather has not been too cooperative and she prefers I just wait it out.  I had hoped to have it all painted before Easter, but it does not seem too likely.  The cabinets are part of the painting, we also want to tear out the floor covering to divulge the beautiful wood floors in the kitchen and later in the spring, we also hope to take out the carpet in the living room to also show off the wood floors there.  I am not sure why the previous owners opted to cover up the wood floors in every room as they did, but in a way, it is okay because it seems to have kept them in good shape.  'Cannot wait to complete these projects and welcome anyone who wishes to help.  Hoping my nephew, Jay, is back to lend a hand...or just to make me/us laugh is enough!!!

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