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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Alex: A Birthday Story (4 Alex, Josie and Jabier)

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APRIL 18th, 1994:

16 years ago on this very day, Josie and Jabier became the proud parents of a baby girl whom they named Alexandra (Alex). Over 20 years of waiting for their little miracle, Josie and Jabier would rejoice over the newest addition to their little family. What had long been a family of two, was now a joyful and ecstatic, loving family of three. Their extended familys would be equally as happy and with great love and pride, they would also welcome this new bundle of joy - the "miracle baby" - named Alex into their own lives. A true miracle had been bestowed upon us all that was for certain. Those who know our family and the story would surely agree. Going forward many adventures would follow the new family of three; there would be ups and downs as is common in life, but overall, everything would be good.

Time went by and saw the Hernandez family make a move from Midland to Big Spring. Before they knew it, Alex turned one and it was on that day during her birthday party that Alex decided to show off her walking ability. Not long after that, Alex would begin her stint at being vocal and not caring where she was as long as she was heard; soon her words would be all too clear…good for her but maybe not for her folks. One day a most startling but amusing habit struck Alex, she began to put weenies in the VCR. It did not take Josie long before she found the reason behind it and thus a cure for that quirky but cute habit. I am sure Jabier would not refer to it as a cute habit (ha, ha). It did not take long for Alex to settle into her own little person with her own characteristics gradually forming and such. Before long the Hernandez family moved back to Midland and right before Alex started school, they found a most excellent house which they would call home - at least until Alex graduated. The family of three would begin another chapter in their book of life.

Alex started kindergarten…the day was a nerve-wracking one for Josie and Jabier; Sara and I even took time off from work to accompany them as they took Alex to school for the first time ever. Alex had a great day, of curse. The rest of us worried and tried to find things to do to occupy our time until Alex got out of school. I believe we worried more than she did. Going forward, Alex’s affinity for school and for making friends continued. The years would be kind to Alex and her school career would prosper. She would meet different people and make good friends. She would continue to travel like she did before she began her school career. Maybe not as much as she was limited to just the summer time, but she would be older and more mature and her recollections of her travels would not elude her as they did when she was younger. Her grades would be most excellent and she would develop a love for music which would encourage her to follow in her mom’s footsteps and become a choir member; an activity which she still pursues until this very day. BTW, Alex is self taught in playing the guitar.

Years went by as they always do and before they could blink an eye, Alex was a sophomore in high school and is now 16 years young. Josie and Jabier continue to be proud and happy. Indeed more blessed now than over 16 years ago before Alex entered their lives. Lucky is our entire family as well to have Alex be a part of it.

Please join me in wishing Alex D. Hernandez a VERY HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY!!!

(Note from Tia D 2 ALex: this story is one of my presents to you about what you have meant to your family and especially to me. You were indeed a God-send to this person as well during the time in my own life when i felt lost and then came you - you gave me reason to stay near our family here in w. Texas and reason to move forward with great expectations in life. thanks, Mija! Love Tia!)

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