I am not too sure how old I was when this event occurred I just remember that I was a patient at Methodist Hospital in Lubbock; not sure if it was for a rhinoplasty, but it was related to my cleft palate/cleft lip. It was late at night and since they only allowed one person to stay over-night with the patient, it was Mama who was staying with me and Papi was saying his "good-byes" to us before he left; my surgery was to take place early the next morning. I was in bed and Papi kissed me on my forehead, said he loved me (in Spanish), and told me not to worry "mija"! That was a huge deal and one of my fondest memories for various reasons. BTW, I have always had an affinity for strawberry ice cream or strawberry sundaes and til this very day I still do. Not for actual strawberries - just for the frozen dessert. One day Josie told me it was also Papi's favorite and went on to say that each time I was hospitalized for my cleft-related surgeries, Papi would save me his strawberry ice cream. I broke down and cried when I heard that story so I am grateful to Josie for having shared that. It explains my love of the strawberry frozen treat. Anyway ever since she told me that story my love of strawberry ice cream and sundaes has taken on a deeper meaning. I still cannot eat one without tears welling up in my eyes, but it is now due to happy memories. I silently think of Papi and thank him for passing along his love of it to me. I love you, Papi! From Dora!
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