This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


In order to make this year's Dominguez Family Blog successful and to bring us all closer to one another so that we know what we are up to, email me any and all important or just every day type of events/news in your lives that you wish to share so that everyone has the chance to know about it and be more active in each other's lives.  I just know that if we all knew what was going on with one another it would enhance the ties within our family.   
One thing I have learned in life is that one cannot expect to be treated in a certain manner within any group (i.e. family) if they do not partake in it and fails to share information.  Most of us would love to be more inclusive with all family members and to share important and happy news.  Some may think of it as bragging but to me that is nonsense, if you or your kids have done some outstanding things - the entire family should know.  I know all would appreciate knowing and that you shared.  This is an equal opportunity blog, okay?
If birthdays are to be celebrated with a party, let's announce it here too along with whatever means of announcing it you may have; I would be more than happy to place it here and share the link with all family members you wish to include if that is what you would like.  If you or your kids have school functions or any extra-curricular activities coming up, let's share them here; we cannot attend if you do not share and we cannot be proud if you do not share the outcome.  Pictures you are proud of with a description would be nice.  Remember that this blog serves not only as a way to preserve our family history for years to come so that we may at times revert back to reading at what was going on on "date X" and such, but it should serve as a way for all of us to communicate with one another in the present.  Let's make 2013 the year of being more active members of our awesome family.  
*** Be the leaders Mama taught us to be!!! ***

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