This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mama in Midland for a week...staying with Hernandez Family

Josie and I brought Mama back with us on Monday. Short story about that below. I am gratfeul to my sister Josie in the care and attention she so lovingly gives to our Mama. It makes me feel really good knowing Mama is at Josie's home because nothing is lacking over there when it comes to comforts of the home (food, love, entertainment, special attention). I try to do the same for Mama when she is here except this time around we (Sara & I) have an ant infestation and we are at a standstill about how to deal with it short of having to pay for an exterminator to come out and such. I am certain all will work out here with the ant problems; I am not so worried about it as much as it bothers me not being able to host Mama over here for fear that she may get bitten by an ant or ants and for fear that she may get ill with the chemicals we have currently sprayed. I just really want to thank Josie for stepping up to the plate as she has done with Mama. Josie has been awesome. I do not believe that we (siblings and all family) should leave Mama alone going forward. Her current condition warrants that she gets plenty of assistance navigating around difficult locations (her home or otherwise) or while walking long distances. She tires quickly and her legs are weak and frail. I am certain, with true faith in my heart, that Mama will get better as soon as her treatments begin for whatever actual diagnosis she receives from the Dr on May7th, 2009. She has long endured too much strife in her lifetime to have further complications hinder her healthy life. As much as she has done for her own children, grand-children and great-grand-children, it is time everyone stand up to the plate. As much as everyone wants Mama to get better, there is not a whole lot of movement going around as to whom will do what for her and when. It seems as if it is a matter of ignoring the issue and allowing someone else to stand up and do things for Mama. Well, that has to come to an abrupt end and very quickly. If Mama is to improve as I believe she will, she needs all of us to pull together to fight for her while her ability to do so has weakened. We need to set schedules to decide who will take Mama to Dr's appts, to pay bills, to cash her checks, to buy her groceries, etc. And all the while, we need everyone to remember that Mama cannot move as quickly or as much so be mindful of that and be patient and extra attentive to her needs. If we fail this test which I believe we are currently under as a family, the end results could be awful. Too awful to write so I refuse to do as such. Mama needs our help now going forward. How will we respond. I know for myself how I will respond and Mama is indeed a priority in my life as she has been for many, many years. I cannot be happy living some life of wealth if my Mom is not so I do not need that wealth. No job has ever been more important than my Mom and the last one I had almost killed me, but as much as it paid me and with all the great beenfits I had, never did I allow it to become more important than my Mom. I am not as worried about the family stepping up to the plate because some have done so already and I believe the rest will do the same as soon as a family meeting is called. We are pretty fantastic as a family and have never failed to come together when needed. I just believe that some need a friendly reminder or an update that the time has arrived when Mama needs our help more than ever. This task is not open to failure...I will not allow it, I will not accept it and will kick things up a notch for myself if need be to ensure Mama is properly taken care of...we love her dearly so the assisting her part so be a piece of cake.

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