This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Monday, April 20, 2009


...Pics are of my sisters and nieces. I did not take one of Mama therefore I made it a point to not have my pic taken either. Not that I mind because I am and have always been more of a "behind the scenes" type of person...(ala French filmesque) "Mis En Scene". My sister Aurora had to work and is obviously not in the pics, but my other sisters were, they are: Eva, Betty and Josie. The nieces who were also present are: Erica, Felicia, Michelle, Dominique, Celeste, Mari and Ari. I did not denote who they are just basically who was there for the pics and such. Hope you enjoy...Michelle and her girls in pic above...aren't they some beautiful young ladies?!!! I may be biased but I do declare that all of my nieces and nephews are goodlooking. Just as John Travolta said in his movie "Face-Off"; he said 'woowee, 'you good-looking'. Per the pic below, I think Erica is holding onto the plate to signify the absence of Aurora as she was told to do by one of my sisters who shall be nameless. Funny, joke, ha, ha!

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