This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Monday, April 20, 2009

A day with Mama!

Today was spent with Mama in Big Spring. My sister Josie invited me to drive with her to Big Spring this morning so we could be there in time for Mama's Dr's appt (Dr Kup-?-?-?-?-wicz). Our sister Aurora was the one with Mama at the Dr's office. Josie and I arrived just in time for the results of her blood work. Later, after running some errands with Mama & Aurora, we were treated to a nice lunch compliments of Mama. Mama had menudo and the rest of us had the stew meat burritos; it was all very good. The neighborhood restaurant is quaint and quiet, like a true neighborhood restaurant should be. We did not eat there, but we did wait inside for the food and it was nice "chat time". Josie and I walked over there just to enjoy the day and to have a nice walk and to meet up with Mama & Aurora. Our sister Betty joined us for lunch as well once we went back to the house. Our other sister Eva came over later in time for dinner as did our niece Felicia. Mama and Josie made a nice dinner; it was delicious. Later in the evening, my other niece Erica joined us all as well with her own Mickey D's dinner in hand. We were all awaiting the priest from a local catholic church (Immaculate Heart of Mary) to come over to Mama's house for a prayer service to help Mama overcome her current ills and to help us all come together in faith and spirit to help her out and each other out. He (priest) is the one presiding over Erica and Nick's wedding in June. He was very cordial and funny. Erica asked him to come over and he graciously agreed to do so and we were all very glad. My other niece Michelle came over during the service with her 4 girls. It was great to see them. It had been too long since I had personally seen them and I hope they know how much they are missed when they are not present at family functions.
Mama came back to Midland with Josie and me for the week to get some R & R; I will take her back home Friday in time for Erica's bridal shower on Saturday which will be hosted by all her colleagues at her bank. I took pics before we all departed this evening after a fantastic day at Mama's house. Keep reading more below...

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