This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Catching up: 2009 Milestones revisited!

I haven’t posted a story to this blog in a long time. Thinking that no one had really noticed, I was proven wrong this past week. I was trying to obtain data from family which would help me update/upload our family tree and birthday box. As I spoke with different family members and friends, it was clear…people have noticed and are watching! Ooops!  Anyway...Pardon me as I  backtrack to 2009 and review that year’s milestones.  <<< Milestones 2009 (click here for details for each event) >>>>
1) June 13th, 2009: My niece, Erica, married Nick Puentes.
2) June 14th, 2009: My nephew, Gilbert, married Christine Ryan.
3) June 25th, 2009: Our 5th generation begins with the birth of Ayden Anthony.
4) September 2nd, 2009: Mom Dominguez turns 75!
5) December 27th, 2009: My Niece, Felicia, turned 18!

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