This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2005: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just Because: A Day with Mama

TUESDAY, MARCH 16th, 2010:  Josie, Alex, Sara and I decided to spend a day with Mama.  Mama spent a couple of days with Josie, Jabier and Alex in Midland awaiting her Dr's appt Monday morning.  Then after a package was delivered to me Monday late afternoon, we all drove Mama back home on Monday evening and spent the night.  Here in this collage, we are just spending some valuable family time on Tuesday.  Betty came over this day with her grand-daughters, Gabby-Gabz and Gracie-Bonz.  Aurora, Eva, Felicia and Erica came over later in the day, but the camera was not charged enough for more pics.  Josie and Betty did some cleaning after fixing Mama's DVD player; they were more ambitious than the rest of us (lol).  It was nice of them to do that.  Next time the cleaning is on me.  I actually am hoping to paint Mama's kitchen pretty soon.  The weather has not been too cooperative and she prefers I just wait it out.  I had hoped to have it all painted before Easter, but it does not seem too likely.  The cabinets are part of the painting, we also want to tear out the floor covering to divulge the beautiful wood floors in the kitchen and later in the spring, we also hope to take out the carpet in the living room to also show off the wood floors there.  I am not sure why the previous owners opted to cover up the wood floors in every room as they did, but in a way, it is okay because it seems to have kept them in good shape.  'Cannot wait to complete these projects and welcome anyone who wishes to help.  Hoping my nephew, Jay, is back to lend a hand...or just to make me/us laugh is enough!!!

5th GENERATION: Ayden On His Day of Birth...June25th, 2009!

Ayden Anthony was born on a Thursday afternoon, June 25th.  Ayden's proud mom is my great-niece, Dominique, the oldest daughter of my niece, Michelle H. 
In this collage, the upper left pic is Ayden and his mom.  The lower right are the proud grandparents, Michelle and Jorge H.  And last but certainly not least, in the center of attention is the one and only Ayden. 
With his birth, our proud family began our venture into the 5th generation. 

Fav Pics: My Sisters Celebrating Respective Birthdays.

This pic was taken on Sunday, December 13th, 2009. 
It was Betty's b-day and Aurora's b-day was the very next day. 
My dear sisters are the same age for one day each year. 
I really like these pics of them and wanted to post them.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Birthday Girl: Brianna "Lockey"!

Here's wishing you a very, happy day.
May you receive everything you want.
Best wishes and love from your family in Texas!!!
MySpace Picture Captions

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

CONFIRMATION: SUPREME COURT? NO...Dora's Catholic Confirmation!

My confirmation went well.  If any of my loved ones wondered why I did not invite them, please do not think it was because I did not want any of you here.  Just the opposite.  I wanted everyone here so bad that I was afraid of getting disappointed because no one would be able to attend.  Plus, the drive from Big Spring to Midland is too far for just a 15 minute ceremony, and everyone has to work and such.  If I hurt anyone's feelings, please accept my humble apologies.  In the end with hindsight being 20/20, it is just better to ask people to do something for you than not to ask and wonder "what if".  I hate being told "no" or just not receiving an answer so that was part of the reason why I did not invite anyone.  It gets to be hurtful after being turned down so much, or just being ignored completely but...
Special "thanks" to my sister, Josie, for agreeing to be my sponsor tonight.  It was a beautiful occasion.  Plus, Father Gilberto Rodriguez Piñon, was gracious and kind enough to make Jabier my sponsor as well.  So I officially have a Godmother and a Godfather for confirmation.  Another "special thanks" to Pastoral Associate Dennis Robson for providing guidance and answers during our confirmation classes; things were kinda odd but all worked out in the end. T2G!  Alex, Josie and I had a nice dinner after the ceremony.  WTG, Rosa's Cafe "Taco Tuesday!"  To Alex: "TAG", you're next Mija (May 2010).
Enjoy the pics and Alex also taped the event so I will share it will everyone next time we have a family get together.  Love to all my family for their well wishes and for their "congrats" to me.

Bro Birthday: Happy Birthday to our brother, Rudy.

March 9th, 2010:
May your day be special and blessed.  Love from your family in Big Spring and in Midland, Texas. 
BTW: Mom just loves when you (all of you) visit her.

Confirmation: What it means to me.

It means a lot, more than words can say, but I am trying to keep things in check.  As for the event itself, I chose to make it a small occasion.  As I get confirmed tonight at St. Stephan's Catholic Church (Midland), I will reflect on the many religious and spiritual experiences which lead me to this point in my life.  Like the deacon, whose classes I took, said...I will not feel differently nor will I feel the holy spirit entering me (maybe, maybe not), but deep down inside I will feel good for personal reasons only I can explain and understand.  I do not expect anyone else to understand why I am doing this nor why I do anything in my life.  I get confirmed tonight mainly because I will be ready, with sacraments almost completed, to be Godmother to Alex in May for her own confirmation.  I would not have it any other way.  I would have moved mountains, per se, to complete that task (to be Alex's Godmother) as well.  I do not believe that getting confirmed will make me act differently.  I believe in God, not in the dogma, but in Him because I feel something special inside of me which does comfort me greatly but does not heed me to wear my religion or faith on my sleeve.  I strongly believe that when one has such great faith, that he/she does not have to be vocal about it or to try to show it to anyone else.  Afterall, if you are really that blessed with the gift of faith, He knows where you stand and He will never falter nor leave you to bear life and its ups and downs alone.  N'est pas?  OUI, I say!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

29 years young: Happy Birthday, Rudy (awesome nephew)!

March 5th, 2010 - Happy 29th Birthday, Rudy G!!!
We had a nice dinner with Rudy and other family members at a new restaurant in Big Spring called Papa Chon's. It is owned by the family of my bro-in-law Billy P. It is a very beautiful place with good ambiance. Plus, the food was good and the personnel was friendly. ANYWAY...
We had a very good time but missed the family members who were unable to be there; they were ALL missed. We always want everyone to be together, but as a rather large family with so much going on, it is highly unprobable that we can all be at the same place at the same time anymore so we take what time we can get wherever we may get the get the idea!
After dinner at Papa Chon's, we all drove over to Mama's house to continue the party and to partake of a wonderful and beautiful birthday cake (which was also "delish") which my sis Betty / Rudy's Mom had specially made for Rudy. A few other family members were able to join us at Mom's house which was great.
I hope Rudy had a nice day…another fun get together.
Please enjoy the pics - I used my phone so excuse the low pic grade.

Rudy Bday pics at Papa Chon's, Friday March 5th, 2010

Rudy Bday pics at Mama's / Momo's house, Friday March 5th, 2010

Alex at Mo Ranch!

Wishing my niece, Alex, a fun time and God speed while she is at Mo Ranch with her Lee H.S. Choir members.  Have fun!!!